SARA Memberships

Becoming a SARA member makes you a part of a group of animal lovers who are holistically minded and forward thinking. You will be supporting an organization that brings gentle, yet powerful healing to the animals who need it most, those in shelters, sanctuaries and rescues.

SARA membership dues support:

  • SARA administrative expenses such as website and email costs.
  • Public outreach programs with the highest standards in professionalism and ethics of Reiki for animals.
  • Teacher stipends, so SARA can send out our members to educate shelter staff, volunteers and local communities at the grassroots level in the myriad of benefits that Reiki can provide for animals in any condition and any situation.

Click here to read SARA’s Mission Statement

Click here to read the Animal Reiki Practitioner’s Code of Ethics

SARA Community Supporter

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Become a SARA Community Supporter!

Annual Dues: $50

The Shelter Animal Reiki Association is open to the public at the Community Supporter Level. Become a SARA Community Supporter today and help us expand our work in shelters and sanctuaries around the world!

If you would like to support SARA’s myriad of programs as well as connect with our members via teleconference and participate in our monthly tele-meetings where we feature wonderful guest speakers, we invite you to join us at the Community Supporter level! You do not need to be a Reiki practitioner to join at the Community Supporter level.


Participate in educational tele-meetings with wonderful guests who enlighten our thinking about holistic animal care! Here are some past speakers we have featured:

  • Gail Pope, Co-founder of BrightHaven in California
  • Sue Burton, Founder of Remus Memorial Horse Sanctuary in England
  • Ellie Weiner, Founder of Gentle Barn in California
  • Allie Phillips, Author of Defending the Defenseless: A Guide to Protecting and Advocating for Pets
  • Robert Mueller, Vice President of BARF World Inc.
  • Carol Buckley, Founder of Elephant Aid International

As a SARA Community Supporter you will:

  • Be invited to join SARA’s monthly teleclasses, featuring guest speakers and community discussions on holistic topics for animals, with a special emphasis on Reiki. All calls are recorded in case you can’t be there live!
  • receive a FREE downloadable mp3 interview with SARA President Kathleen Prasad on Reiki in Animal Shelters and Sanctuaries (a $20 value).
  • receive a web link you can add to your website to help spread the word about SARA.
  • be added to our mailing list, with all the latest good news about Reiki for shelter, sanctuary and rescue animals around the world!

Annual Dues: $50.00. Become a SARA Community Supporter

SARA Animal Organization

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SARA Animal Organization Membership

Shelters, sanctuaries, rescues and all nonprofit animal organizations are invited to become SARA organizations! There is no cost to staff members of animal organizations that wish to be a part of the SARA program. If you are a director of an organization providing care to animals, support our mission and code of ethics and would like to be invited to our monthly tele-meetings, please register below.

Depending on your location SARA may be able to match a local SARA practitioner or teacher member to offer treatments and/or training to your staff and volunteers. If you are located out of our SARA members locations, as funds allow SARA may be able to send a trained SARA teacher to your location to train interested staff and volunteers to be able to provide Reiki treatments to the animals in your care.

Register as a SARA Organization

SARA Practitioner

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SARA Practitioner

Annual Dues: $75

Who is Eligible?

Level I, II or III Reiki Practitioners who are students of Kathleen Prasad, Leah D’Ambrosio, or any other SARA Teacher and who wish to volunteer Reiki as an official SARA member are invited to join as Practitioners. SARA also offers an 8-week teleclass, Animal Reiki for Reiki Practitioners, for Level 2 Practitioners of any lineage. Completion of this teleclass also qualifies for SARA Practitioner membership. Click for class schedule.


  • Free ongoing professional development meetings. Past guests have included speakers such as:
    • Gail Pope, Co-founder of BrightHaven in California
    • Sue Burton, Founder of Remus Memorial Horse Sanctuary in England
    • Ellie Weiner, Founder of Gentle Barn in California
    • Allie Phillips, Author of Defending the Defenseless: A Guide to Protecting and Advocating for Pets
    • Robert Mueller, Vice President of BARF World Inc.
    • Carol Buckley, Founder of Elephant Aid International
  • Free ongoing support from SARA directors
  • An invitation to get word out about the work you are doing by contributing animal Reiki stories to the SARA blog
  • Public recognition of Practitioner member status (and recognition of the member’s animal organization if applicable) on the SARA website
  • Member certificate
  • Access to extensive online materials:
    • Presentation packet members can use to introduce Animal Reiki to their local shelter
    • Access to What is Animal Reiki PowerPoint presentation
    • Access to What is Animal Reiki talking points handout
    • Course Codes of Practice
    • Self Healing for Animal Care-givers: a class for Shelter Staff and Volunteers which includes handouts and a class outline
    • Access to 5 Powerful Meditations for Healing Your Animal Class
    • Mp3 recordings of most classes and meetings
    • Access to mp3 recordings of past meetings
    • Practitioner Code of Practice Guideline
    • Treatment guidelines
    • Access to SARA business cards, banners, weblink and email banner


In order to qualify as a SARA Practitioner, members must:

  • Have received training from Kathleen Prasad, Leah D’Ambrosio or another SARA Teacher
  • Sign the following documents:
    • Practitioner Membership Form
    • Practitioner Member Agreement
    • Statements of Policy
    • Acknowledgement and Assumption of Risk Form
    • Animal Reiki Practitioner Code of Ethics
    • SARA Practitioner Code of Practice
  • Follow all codes, guidelines and policies outlined in the SARA Member Forms you have signed.
  • Strive for a volunteer commitment of once a week, offering Reiki treatments at your shelter, sanctuary or rescue.
  • Attend all professional development telemeetings, either “in person” or by listening to the recording afterwards.
  • Participate in SARA’s member evaluation program.

Annual Dues: $75

Currently, SARA is only accepting practitioner and teacher applications from students of Kathleen Prasad, Leah D’Ambrosio and any other SARA teachers. If you are a student, please email your own teacher (i.e., Kathleen, Leah or your SARA teacher) and request the official link to join.

SARA Teacher

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SARA Practitioner/Teacher

Annual Dues: $200

Practitioner/Teachers are given educational and support materials to approach their local shelters, sanctuaries, and rescues to volunteer and teach Reiki. Practitioner/Teachers are encouraged to bring the organization(s) on board as an official “SARA Shelter” and are encouraged to teach Reiki classes to shelter staff, volunteers and the general public. They are encouraged to train interested parties to participate in the SARA Program.

Who is Eligible?

Any Level III Reiki Practitioner who is a Level 3 student of Kathleen Prasad, Leah D’Ambrosio, or any other SARA Teacher and who wishes to volunteer and teach Reiki as an official SARA member is invited to join as a Practitioner/Teacher.


In addition to all benefits of the SARA Practitioner level, SARA Practitioner/Teachers have access to (some available for purchase)

  • Level 1 Animal Reiki teaching packet which includes class outline, class certificate and a class evaluation form
  • Level 2 Animal Reiki teaching packet which includes class outline, class certificate and a class evaluation form
  • Self-Healing for Animal Caregivers: a class for Shelter Staff and Volunteers which includes handouts and a class outline
  • 5 Powerful Meditations for Help Healing Your Animals
  • A feature page on the SARA blog.
  • Introduction to Animal Reiki which includes PPT Presentations, class handouts, class outline, class certificate and an instructional mp3


In order to qualify as a SARA Practitioner/Teacher, members must:

  • Have received training from Kathleen Prasad, Leah D’Ambrosio or another SARA Teacher
  • Agree to follow SARA’s policies on Donations and Fees
  • Follow all codes, guidelines and policies outlined in the SARA Member Forms you have signed
  • Strive for a volunteer commitment of once a week, offering Reiki treatments at your shelter, sanctuary or rescue
  • Be willing to teach Reiki and animal Reiki at your organization, only after participating in SARA’s training program, using the SARA Manual and Handbook, and following SARA Course Codes of Practice
  • Invite interested staff, volunteers and students to participate in the SARA program
  • Attend all professional development telemeetings, either “in person” or by listening to the recording
  • Participate in SARA’s member evaluation program
  • Document your work by writing regular Animal Reiki stories or educational animal Reiki articles for the SARA blog
  • Support SARA and SARA projects by promoting SARA with your contacts
  • Add your SARA membership status to your bio and add a link on your website to the SARA website

Annual Dues: $200

Currently, SARA is only accepting practitioner and teacher applications from students of Kathleen Prasad, Leah D’Ambrosio and any SARA teachers. If you are a student, please email your own teacher (i.e., Kathleen, Leah or your SARA teacher) and request the official link to join.

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